Coins/Frax Staked Ether

Frax Staked Ether


News about Frax Staked Ether

Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
13 Jul 2023, 16:40
Gelato FRAX DAI RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS ============================== 0) (If you are not an LP in the Gelato FRAX DAI gauge, feel free to ignore this message. This is only for users who wish to rage quit their Gelato FRAX DAI LP) 1) Call stakerAllowMigrator(0xe402a39F788f90607A50254fAf56316E6a78231A) on the Gelato Uniswap FRAX/DAI Farm at 0xcdfc491804A420b677f8e788B5157856910E2F6f. This will allow the Ragequitter to "migrate" for you. Use this 0xe402a address, NOT your own. 2) Go to the Ragequitter contract at and do rageQuitAll() 3) You should now have all unclaimed rewards + 80% of your LP. 20% goes to the Frax protocol as a penalty per the Snapshot vote LP UNWINDING ===================================================
Gelato FRAX DAI RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS. ==============================.
Gelato FRAX DAI RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS ============================== 0) (If you are not an LP in the Gelato FRAX DAI gauge, feel free to ignore this message. This is only for users who wish to rage quit their Gelato FRAX DAI LP) 1) Call stakerAllowMigrator(0xe402a39F788f90607A50254fAf56316E6a78231A) on the Gelato Uniswap FRAX/DAI Farm at 0xcdfc491804A420b677f8e788B5157856910E2F6f. This will allow the Ragequitter to "migrate" for you. Use this 0xe402a address, NOT your own. 2) Go to the Ragequitter contract at and do rageQuitAll() 3) You should now have all unclaimed rewards + 80% of your LP. 20% goes to the Frax protocol as a penalty per the Snapshot vote LP UNWINDING ===================================================
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
04 May 2023, 01:00
StakeDAO ETH-FraxPut RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS ============================== 0) (If you are not an LP in the StakeDAO ETH-FraxPut gauge, feel free to ignore this message. This is only for users who wish to rage quit their StakeDAO ETH-FraxPut LP) 1) Call stakerAllowMigrator(0x7Cb3DA98Fe0d8C59f460AfC0C8e6EC5eF1E0f63b) on the StakingRewardsMultiGauge_StakeDAO_FRAX_Put Farm. This will allow the Ragequitter to "migrate" for you. Use this 0x7Cb address, NOT your own. 2) Go to the Ragequitter contract and do rageQuitAll() 3) You should now have all unclaimed rewards + 90% of your LP. 10% goes to the Frax protocol as a penalty per the Snapshot vote LP UNWINDING ===================================================
StakeDAO ETH-FraxPut RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS. ==============================.
StakeDAO ETH-FraxPut RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS ============================== 0) (If you are not an LP in the StakeDAO ETH-FraxPut gauge, feel free to ignore this message. This is only for users who wish to rage quit their StakeDAO ETH-FraxPut LP) 1) Call stakerAllowMigrator(0x7Cb3DA98Fe0d8C59f460AfC0C8e6EC5eF1E0f63b) on the StakingRewardsMultiGauge_StakeDAO_FRAX_Put Farm. This will allow the Ragequitter to "migrate" for you. Use this 0x7Cb address, NOT your own. 2) Go to the Ragequitter contract and do rageQuitAll() 3) You should now have all unclaimed rewards + 90% of your LP. 10% goes to the Frax protocol as a penalty per the Snapshot vote LP UNWINDING ===================================================
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
20 Apr 2023, 19:01
RT @onlyalpha_: Stable Farmer: 40%+ APR for $FRAX/$USDP (Paxos) pool. Wouldn't surprise me for the @fraxfinance team to heavily incentivi…
RT @onlyalpha_: Stable Farmer: 40%+ APR for $FRAX/$USDP (Paxos) pool.
RT @onlyalpha_: Stable Farmer: 40%+ APR for $FRAX/$USDP (Paxos) pool. Wouldn't surprise me for the @fraxfinance team to heavily incentivi…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
20 Apr 2023, 18:19
RT @CurveFinance: Sers at @fraxfinance are getting serious trying to compete with WETH. CEO of WETH should be worried!…
RT @CurveFinance: Sers at @fraxfinance are getting serious trying to compete with WETH. CEO of WETH should be worried.
RT @CurveFinance: Sers at @fraxfinance are getting serious trying to compete with WETH. CEO of WETH should be worried!…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
20 Apr 2023, 08:54
RT @CryptoGrills: GM. Looks like $Frax worked out a deal with Paxos 👀👀 New basepool coming up! Literally can't get any more bullish than…
RT @CryptoGrills: GM. Looks like $Frax worked out a deal with Paxos. New basepool coming up.
RT @CryptoGrills: GM. Looks like $Frax worked out a deal with Paxos 👀👀 New basepool coming up! Literally can't get any more bullish than…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
19 Apr 2023, 21:33
RT @CryptoGrills: $FRAX Collateral Ratio steadily growing towards the targeted 100%. Once 100% CR is reached, $frxETH revenue switch will…
RT @CryptoGrills: $FRAX Collateral Ratio steadily growing towards the targeted 100%.
RT @CryptoGrills: $FRAX Collateral Ratio steadily growing towards the targeted 100%. Once 100% CR is reached, $frxETH revenue switch will…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
19 Apr 2023, 10:55
RT @StableScarab: 1/ A week since $ETH Shanghai and we're starting to see the shifts in the LSD universe. As expected, @fraxfinance $frxETH…
RT @StableScarab: 1/ A week since $ETH Shanghai and we're starting to see the shifts in the LSD universe.
RT @StableScarab: 1/ A week since $ETH Shanghai and we're starting to see the shifts in the LSD universe. As expected, @fraxfinance $frxETH…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
17 Apr 2023, 20:52
RT @CryptoGrills: Growth of $frxETH was already very healthy but since the #Shapella fork it has shifted into higher gear. As expected, $E…
RT @CryptoGrills: Growth of $frxETH was already very healthy but since the #Shapella fork it has shifted into higher gear.
RT @CryptoGrills: Growth of $frxETH was already very healthy but since the #Shapella fork it has shifted into higher gear. As expected, $E…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
16 Apr 2023, 20:40
RT @napgener: @CryptoGrills @CurveCap @fraxfinance frax has 25m in vecrv power yearn has 63m vecrv and is working on yLSD yETH these tw…
RT @napgener: @CryptoGrills @CurveCap @fraxfinance frax has 25m in vecrv power.
RT @napgener: @CryptoGrills @CurveCap @fraxfinance frax has 25m in vecrv power yearn has 63m vecrv and is working on yLSD yETH these tw…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
16 Apr 2023, 17:50
RT @CryptoGrills: If you are not staking your $ETH on @fraxfinance you are simply leaving money on the table. $frxETH $FXS
RT @CryptoGrills: If you are not staking your $ETH on @fraxfinance you are simply leaving money on the table. $frxETH $FXS.
RT @CryptoGrills: If you are not staking your $ETH on @fraxfinance you are simply leaving money on the table. $frxETH $FXS
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
15 Apr 2023, 17:36
RT @WinterSoldierxz: frxETH saw a 19% increase in the past 30 days, fueled by @FraxFinance's EIP-188 passage, with two contributing factors…
RT @WinterSoldierxz: frxETH saw a 19% increase in the past 30 days, fueled by @FraxFinance's EIP-188 passage, with two contribut
RT @WinterSoldierxz: frxETH saw a 19% increase in the past 30 days, fueled by @FraxFinance's EIP-188 passage, with two contributing factors…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
14 Apr 2023, 18:23
RT @DeFiDave22: > it’s happening @fraxfinance @FlywheelDeFi @UXDProtocol @idexio @berachain @OrangeDAOxyz
RT @DeFiDave22: > it's happening. @fraxfinance @FlywheelDeFi @UXDProtocol @idexio @berachain @OrangeDAOxyz.
RT @DeFiDave22: > it’s happening @fraxfinance @FlywheelDeFi @UXDProtocol @idexio @berachain @OrangeDAOxyz
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
14 Apr 2023, 01:28
RT @StableScarab: As expected with the best staking APR, @fraxfinance $frxETH is seeing rapid post-Shanghai growth. 2500+ ETH deposited tod…
RT @StableScarab: As expected with the best staking APR, @fraxfinance $frxETH is seeing rapid post-Shanghai growth.
RT @StableScarab: As expected with the best staking APR, @fraxfinance $frxETH is seeing rapid post-Shanghai growth. 2500+ ETH deposited tod…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
14 Apr 2023, 00:33
RT @0xCha0s: Now that $eth upgrade ✅, let's monitor staking velocity for the major LSDs. @fraxfinance still has the fastest growing and…
RT @0xCha0s: Now that $eth upgrade , let's monitor staking velocity for the major LSDs.
RT @0xCha0s: Now that $eth upgrade ✅, let's monitor staking velocity for the major LSDs. @fraxfinance still has the fastest growing and…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
12 Apr 2023, 04:06
RT @PancakeSwap: 🧑‍🌾 gm @fraxfinance Fraximalists (¤, ¤), your Farms are now ready on Ethereum PancakeSwap 🚜 Sweet $FXS - $ETH and $frxETH…
RT @PancakeSwap: gm @fraxfinance Fraximalists (¤, ¤), your Farms are now ready on Ethereum PancakeSwap.
RT @PancakeSwap: 🧑‍🌾 gm @fraxfinance Fraximalists (¤, ¤), your Farms are now ready on Ethereum PancakeSwap 🚜 Sweet $FXS - $ETH and $frxETH…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
10 Apr 2023, 21:55
Hey Fraximalists, Many users have asked how they can withdraw $FXS from Binance to BSC and get natively issued FXS onchain. If you withdraw FXS from Binance directly to BSC, you can use this handy swap UI to get the native $FXS tokens on BSC!
Hey Fraximalists,. Many users have asked how they can withdraw $FXS from Binance to BSC and get natively issued FXS onchain.
Hey Fraximalists, Many users have asked how they can withdraw $FXS from Binance to BSC and get natively issued FXS onchain. If you withdraw FXS from Binance directly to BSC, you can use this handy swap UI to get the native $FXS tokens on BSC!
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
08 Apr 2023, 18:54
RT @StableScarab: 1/ Day 4 of my week-long @fraxfinance ecosystem deep dive in anticipation of FRAX v3. After yesterday’s thread on $frxETH…
RT @StableScarab: 1/ Day 4 of my week-long @fraxfinance ecosystem deep dive in anticipation of FRAX v3.
RT @StableScarab: 1/ Day 4 of my week-long @fraxfinance ecosystem deep dive in anticipation of FRAX v3. After yesterday’s thread on $frxETH…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
06 Apr 2023, 16:22
RT @SatinExchange: 👀Looks like @fraxfinance is making some noise on @0xPolygon with these strong yielding pools! frxETH - $WETH : 33% AP…
RT @SatinExchange: Looks like @fraxfinance is making some noise on @0xPolygon with these strong yielding pools.
RT @SatinExchange: 👀Looks like @fraxfinance is making some noise on @0xPolygon with these strong yielding pools! ✅ frxETH - $WETH : 33% AP…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
06 Apr 2023, 05:19
RT @poopmandefi: As the Shanghai upgrade approaches 🌄, everyone is hungry for LSD alpha. Out of all the LSD protocols, I believe👇 frxETH (…
RT @poopmandefi: As the Shanghai upgrade approaches , everyone is hungry for LSD alpha.
RT @poopmandefi: As the Shanghai upgrade approaches 🌄, everyone is hungry for LSD alpha. Out of all the LSD protocols, I believe👇 frxETH (…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
06 Apr 2023, 01:55
RT @StableScarab: 1/ Day 3 of my week-long @fraxfinance ecosystem deep dive in anticipation of FRAX v3. After yesterday’s thread on $FXS, l…
RT @StableScarab: 1/ Day 3 of my week-long @fraxfinance ecosystem deep dive in anticipation of FRAX v3.
RT @StableScarab: 1/ Day 3 of my week-long @fraxfinance ecosystem deep dive in anticipation of FRAX v3. After yesterday’s thread on $FXS, l…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
03 Apr 2023, 16:47
RT @AlchemixFi: Oh hai new collateral 👀 1/ Our long-awaited @fraxfinance $FRAX vaults are now live! FRAX is currently the second largest…
RT @AlchemixFi: Oh hai new collateral. Our long-awaited @fraxfinance $FRAX vaults are now live.
RT @AlchemixFi: Oh hai new collateral 👀 1/ Our long-awaited @fraxfinance $FRAX vaults are now live! FRAX is currently the second largest…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
03 Apr 2023, 15:52
RT @CryptoGrills: Almost a quarter Bil TVL accumulated into $frxETH. Shangai fork is coming up in a few days, going to be very interesting…
RT @CryptoGrills: Almost a quarter Bil TVL accumulated into $frxETH.
RT @CryptoGrills: Almost a quarter Bil TVL accumulated into $frxETH. Shangai fork is coming up in a few days, going to be very interesting…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
02 Apr 2023, 20:30
RT @0xMughal: FXS is an asset I've been vocal about for a long time - I like it! The question is... Where do you earn yield on your FXS?…
RT @0xMughal: FXS is an asset I've been vocal about for a long time - I like it. The question is.
RT @0xMughal: FXS is an asset I've been vocal about for a long time - I like it! The question is... Where do you earn yield on your FXS?…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
01 Apr 2023, 22:57
RT @FlywheelDeFi: BAMM, BAMM, BAMM 💥 What could Frax possibly be cooking in the lab 🧪 @samkazemian shares his thoughts on this novel De…
RT @FlywheelDeFi: BAMM, BAMM, BAMM. What could Frax possibly be cooking in the lab.
RT @FlywheelDeFi: BAMM, BAMM, BAMM 💥 What could Frax possibly be cooking in the lab 🧪 @samkazemian shares his thoughts on this novel De…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
01 Apr 2023, 18:43
RT @ZunamiProtocol: New day, new release! 💫 The @ZunamiProtocol development team is excited to announce the addition of $FRAX to the list…
RT @ZunamiProtocol: New day, new release.
RT @ZunamiProtocol: New day, new release! 💫 The @ZunamiProtocol development team is excited to announce the addition of $FRAX to the list…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
30 Mar 2023, 19:25
RT @erc4626: Introducing The 4626 Alliance - An ecosystem led initiative to advance the development of the ERC-4626 standard:…
RT @erc4626: Introducing The 4626 Alliance - An ecosystem led initiative to advance the development of the ERC-4626 standard:.
RT @erc4626: Introducing The 4626 Alliance - An ecosystem led initiative to advance the development of the ERC-4626 standard:…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
29 Mar 2023, 22:28
RT @ZhouYeMen: Wrote a Stablecoin issuer thesis for Frax Finance last month, it seems like it's playing out perfectly with the Proposal for…
RT @ZhouYeMen: Wrote a Stablecoin issuer thesis for Frax Finance last month, it seems like it's playing out perfectly with the P
RT @ZhouYeMen: Wrote a Stablecoin issuer thesis for Frax Finance last month, it seems like it's playing out perfectly with the Proposal for…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
29 Mar 2023, 03:41
RT @0xCha0s: Assuming the $frxETH $weth replacement program gets approved, BP adoption will be a new KPI to monitor $eth staking & LSDs li…
RT @0xCha0s: Assuming the $frxETH $weth replacement program gets approved, BP adoption will be a new KPI to monitor.
RT @0xCha0s: Assuming the $frxETH $weth replacement program gets approved, BP adoption will be a new KPI to monitor $eth staking & LSDs li…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
28 Mar 2023, 20:43
RT @samkazemian: FRAX v3 🤫
RT @samkazemian: FRAX v3.
RT @samkazemian: FRAX v3 🤫
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
28 Mar 2023, 13:06
RT @Bybit_Official: Are you ready to learn more about @fraxfinance? Join our Discord AMA with the #FRAX team on Mar 30, 2023, 3PM UTC 💬…
RT @Bybit_Official: Are you ready to learn more about @fraxfinance.
RT @Bybit_Official: Are you ready to learn more about @fraxfinance? Join our Discord AMA with the #FRAX team on Mar 30, 2023, 3PM UTC 💬…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
27 Mar 2023, 07:36
RT @DeFi_Cheetah: Flatcoin is not a new thing… FYI @fraxfinance has already had a comparatively mature product $FPI available on @ethereum……
RT @DeFi_Cheetah: Flatcoin is not a new thing… FYI @fraxfinance has already had a comparatively mature product $FPI available on
RT @DeFi_Cheetah: Flatcoin is not a new thing… FYI @fraxfinance has already had a comparatively mature product $FPI available on @ethereum……
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
26 Mar 2023, 01:39
RT @traders_insight: Hi @CathieDWood I watched your interview with Art Laffer today and at 36:27 he wonders why no one has built an inflati…
RT @traders_insight: Hi @CathieDWood I watched your interview with Art Laffer today and at 36:27 he wonders why no one has built
RT @traders_insight: Hi @CathieDWood I watched your interview with Art Laffer today and at 36:27 he wonders why no one has built an inflati…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
25 Mar 2023, 07:11
RT @arbidex_fi: 🤝@fraxfinance X @arbidex_fi 🤝 🚀 We are excited to announce our new partnership with @fraxfinance on #Arbitrum Bringing…
RT @arbidex_fi: @fraxfinance X @arbidex_fi. We are excited to announce our new partnership with @fraxfinance on #Arbitrum.
RT @arbidex_fi: 🤝@fraxfinance X @arbidex_fi 🤝 🚀 We are excited to announce our new partnership with @fraxfinance on #Arbitrum Bringing…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
24 Mar 2023, 09:25
Frax is honored to receive 515,081 $ARB airdrop tokens! As one of the earliest native issuers of stablecoins on @arbitrum, we are grateful & plan to actively participate in governance 💪 Tokens will be sent to the treasury address 0xe61D9ed1e5Dc261D1e90a99304fADCef2c76FD10
Frax is honored to receive 515,081 $ARB airdrop tokens.
Frax is honored to receive 515,081 $ARB airdrop tokens! As one of the earliest native issuers of stablecoins on @arbitrum, we are grateful & plan to actively participate in governance 💪 Tokens will be sent to the treasury address 0xe61D9ed1e5Dc261D1e90a99304fADCef2c76FD10
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
21 Mar 2023, 22:18
RT @FlywheelDeFi: It’s Tuesday aka time for #Fraxcheck and we are checking the chain Here are the top 3 changes to @fraxfinance this week…
RT @FlywheelDeFi: It's Tuesday aka time for #Fraxcheck and we are checking the chain.
RT @FlywheelDeFi: It’s Tuesday aka time for #Fraxcheck and we are checking the chain Here are the top 3 changes to @fraxfinance this week…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
21 Mar 2023, 19:03
RT @redactedcartel: New @fraxfinance bribe █████. Exclusively on Hidden Hand, the @saddlefinance L2D4 gauge has ~$14,500 up for grabs.…
RT @redactedcartel: New @fraxfinance bribe █████.
RT @redactedcartel: New @fraxfinance bribe █████. Exclusively on Hidden Hand, the @saddlefinance L2D4 gauge has ~$14,500 up for grabs.…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
20 Mar 2023, 17:57
RT @ConvexFinance: As announced in the latest Medium post, Convex has expanded its collaboration with @fraxfinance and added support for $F…
RT @ConvexFinance: As announced in the latest Medium post, Convex has expanded its collaboration with @fraxfinance and added sup
RT @ConvexFinance: As announced in the latest Medium post, Convex has expanded its collaboration with @fraxfinance and added support for $F…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
18 Mar 2023, 09:39
RT @CryptoGrills: 11%+ APY for staking $ETH? Only at @fraxfinance with $frxETH. Feeling degen? You can actually up this to 50%+ APR by lo…
RT @CryptoGrills: 11%+ APY for staking $ETH. Only at @fraxfinance with $frxETH. Feeling degen.
RT @CryptoGrills: 11%+ APY for staking $ETH? Only at @fraxfinance with $frxETH. Feeling degen? You can actually up this to 50%+ APR by lo…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
17 Mar 2023, 22:51
RT @beefyfinance: It’s a @fraxfinance Friday. 🆕 $frxETH - $ETH: 56% APY 🆕 $BNBx - $FRAX: 53% APY 🆕 $DOLA - $FRAX: 40% APY…
RT @beefyfinance: It's a @fraxfinance Friday. $frxETH - $ETH: 56% APY. $BNBx - $FRAX: 53% APY. $DOLA - $FRAX: 40% APY.
RT @beefyfinance: It’s a @fraxfinance Friday. 🆕 $frxETH - $ETH: 56% APY 🆕 $BNBx - $FRAX: 53% APY 🆕 $DOLA - $FRAX: 40% APY…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
16 Mar 2023, 18:41
RT @YJN58: Insane farming opportunities with $frxETH on @Balancer on @0xPolygonDeFi @fraxfinance @fraxbull1 http…
RT @YJN58: Insane farming opportunities with $frxETH on @Balancer on @0xPolygonDeFi. @fraxfinance @fraxbull1 http….
RT @YJN58: Insane farming opportunities with $frxETH on @Balancer on @0xPolygonDeFi @fraxfinance @fraxbull1 http…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
14 Mar 2023, 17:14
RT @DeFi_Dad: 😇 I still think @fraxfinance is one of the most misunderstood protocols in DeFi. 🎙️ Discover why with the latest episode of…
RT @DeFi_Dad: I still think @fraxfinance is one of the most misunderstood protocols in DeFi.
RT @DeFi_Dad: 😇 I still think @fraxfinance is one of the most misunderstood protocols in DeFi. 🎙️ Discover why with the latest episode of…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
13 Mar 2023, 19:06
Hope everyone is staying financially safe! $FRAX is at $1.00 peg. Curve AMOs, Fraxlend, & all systems working perfectly. And sfrxETH APR projected over 16% due to high MEV. All protocol functionality is normal & profitable! Bumpy weekend but overall everything’s looking great 🙏
Hope everyone is staying financially safe. $FRAX is at $1. 00 peg. Curve AMOs, Fraxlend, & all systems working perfectly.
Hope everyone is staying financially safe! $FRAX is at $1.00 peg. Curve AMOs, Fraxlend, & all systems working perfectly. And sfrxETH APR projected over 16% due to high MEV. All protocol functionality is normal & profitable! Bumpy weekend but overall everything’s looking great 🙏
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
13 Mar 2023, 18:51
RT @DefiMoon: Apparently FUD-to-cashconverter now also applies to staked $frxETH 😱🔄💰 Remindooor: Frax charges a 10% tax on frxETH validato…
RT @DefiMoon: Apparently FUD-to-cashconverter now also applies to staked $frxETH.
RT @DefiMoon: Apparently FUD-to-cashconverter now also applies to staked $frxETH 😱🔄💰 Remindooor: Frax charges a 10% tax on frxETH validato…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
13 Mar 2023, 18:11
RT @DeFi_Dad: ✊A timely new episode of The Edge Podcast on stablecoin heavyweight @fraxfinance, featuring @samkazemian! 🤔 If you've ever w…
RT @DeFi_Dad: A timely new episode of The Edge Podcast on stablecoin heavyweight @fraxfinance, featuring @samkazemian.
RT @DeFi_Dad: ✊A timely new episode of The Edge Podcast on stablecoin heavyweight @fraxfinance, featuring @samkazemian! 🤔 If you've ever w…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
10 Mar 2023, 02:14
RT @FluxDeFi: The world's first fractional stablecoin meets DeFi lending with real world assets... 🔥 $FRAX is now live at:…
RT @FluxDeFi: The world's first fractional stablecoin meets DeFi lending with real world assets. $FRAX is now live at:.
RT @FluxDeFi: The world's first fractional stablecoin meets DeFi lending with real world assets... 🔥 $FRAX is now live at:…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
09 Mar 2023, 02:01
RT @FlywheelDeFi: What do you know, $APE is now a collateral asset on Fraxlend 🦧
RT @FlywheelDeFi: What do you know, $APE is now a collateral asset on Fraxlend.
RT @FlywheelDeFi: What do you know, $APE is now a collateral asset on Fraxlend 🦧
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
09 Mar 2023, 01:17
RT @MetronomeDAO: Metronome has added collateral support for $sfrxETH from @fraxfinance ! Borrow up to 60% against your $sfrxETH - mint a…
RT @MetronomeDAO: Metronome has added collateral support for $sfrxETH from @fraxfinance .
RT @MetronomeDAO: Metronome has added collateral support for $sfrxETH from @fraxfinance ! Borrow up to 60% against your $sfrxETH - mint a…
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
08 Mar 2023, 21:35
RT @CurveCap: March 8, 2023: The $frxETH Era 📣🧠 "Stablecoin maximalism" and @FraxFinance's master plan 🧵1/9👇
RT @CurveCap: March 8, 2023: The $frxETH Era. "Stablecoin maximalism" and @FraxFinance's master plan.
RT @CurveCap: March 8, 2023: The $frxETH Era 📣🧠 "Stablecoin maximalism" and @FraxFinance's master plan 🧵1/9👇
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
07 Mar 2023, 22:52
mStable RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS ============================== 0) (if you are not an LP in the mStable gauge, feel free to ignore this message. This is only for users who wish to rage quit their mStable LP) 1) Call stakerAllowMigrator(0x53f0995a86bd5D349BE693AA99c7F5b78F2dFa0c) on the mStable Frax Farm. This will allow the Ragequitter to "migrate" for you. Use this 0x53f address, NOT your own. 2) Go to the Ragequitter contract and do rageQuitAll() 3) You should now have all unclaimed rewards + 80% of your LP. 20% goes to the Frax protocol as a penalty per the Snapshot vote LP UNWINDING ===================================================
mStable RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS. ==============================.
mStable RAGEQUIT INSTRUCTIONS ============================== 0) (if you are not an LP in the mStable gauge, feel free to ignore this message. This is only for users who wish to rage quit their mStable LP) 1) Call stakerAllowMigrator(0x53f0995a86bd5D349BE693AA99c7F5b78F2dFa0c) on the mStable Frax Farm. This will allow the Ragequitter to "migrate" for you. Use this 0x53f address, NOT your own. 2) Go to the Ragequitter contract and do rageQuitAll() 3) You should now have all unclaimed rewards + 80% of your LP. 20% goes to the Frax protocol as a penalty per the Snapshot vote LP UNWINDING ===================================================
Frax Staked Ether
Frax Staked EtherSFRXETH #9865
07 Mar 2023, 19:01
RT @SolidlyDEX: Stake your $frxETH / $ETH LPs on! 💯 Solidly offers 18.9% base APR vs #Curve's 2.23% base (or 5.58%…
RT @SolidlyDEX: Stake your $frxETH / $ETH LPs on. Solidly offers 18. 9% base APR vs #Curve's 2. 23% base (or 5.
RT @SolidlyDEX: Stake your $frxETH / $ETH LPs on! 💯 Solidly offers 18.9% base APR vs #Curve's 2.23% base (or 5.58%…